This page will provide mental health & wellness tips & tricks on anxiety, self-esteem, relationships & more exclusive to our members.
HEY! I am so glad you're here.
My name is Jenna, I am an RCC with a masters in counselling. I believe working on ourselves and improving and growing is some of the toughest work we can do and also the most important; I've learned this by sitting on both sides of the therapy room and now I am here to share with you.
My intention for this space is to provide you with fast & effective info, tips, tricks & support with relatable, easily digestible and usable content delivered with humour to make this hard stuff feel & look a bit lighter.
Before I became a counsellor, I went through a big (I mean B I G) self-help phase and I really resonated with a number of websites, blogs, books, and social media pages created by others who had gone through or were going through similar experiences. The words, posts and information hit home but what really helped was hearing someone else bravely share their story about pain, recovery, growth & healing with such vulnerability and self-compassion, often with humour, & in a way that was equally inspiring and soothing to know I wasn't alone.
It was this connection that helped me.
It was this experience that made me want to do this with and for others.
So here I am.
"Self-Help Without too Much Self-help-y-ness"
Let's face it...
We ALL struggle, we're all self-conscious at times, we all can benefit from support from time to time.
Let's do this together, let's break the stigma behind mental health, insecurities & vulnerability and let's GOOOO & get on with bettering ourselves together!
I envision this space shared between a beautiful, supportive & growing community of like-minded individuals putting in the time and doing the work! Sound like you? Then perfect....
Anxiety, Mental Health & Wellness for Women.
Want to learn more about anxiety management & how to increase self-esteem, confidence, self-worth, how to build stronger relationships with yourself & others, how to grow resilience, patience, and self-love, how to mitigate SAD (seasonal depression, for more about this click here), HOW TO START THRIVING & more?
Then subscribe now :).
I PROMISE not to inundate you with anything more than an around 1-2 posts a month at most and you can unsubscribe at anytime with no hard feelings.
Feel free to Leave a comment below!